Ideas for a Pet-Friendly Getaway
After a year of being home, many people are planning trips and vacations for the new year. But the idea of leaving a pet at home can be hard for some. The great news is that there are more options than ever before for pet-friendly vacations. If you’re considering taking a trip with your pet, read on.
Where should we go?
Is your pet getting antsy? Has quarantine left your pup chewing on your favorite intimate racerback bra? Why not solve two problems at once, and save your pet’s boredom and your favorite lingerie with a pet-friendly vacation? Packing for any vacation can be a challenge, but with a pet involved, there’s more to think about. The first thing to decide is where you and your furry friend can travel together.
There are likely more dog-friendly vacations out there than you realize. From travel geared toward outdoor exploration to pet-friendly hotels and accommodations, there are many ways you can bring your furry friend along for the adventure. Start planning for this with a simple Google search of pet-welcoming apps. There are many free and low-cost apps where you can simply key in any town or destination, and a list of pet-friendly options will pop up.
If you’re still stuck, consider reading up on blogs that offer suggestions for pet-friendly destinations. There, you’ll find real-life stories and pictures about families and solo travelers who’ve had amazing adventures with pets on the road. Lists of favorite destinations and tips on what to avoid can be found on these blogs too.
Pet-friendly Packing
There are many ways to travel with a pet on board. From plane and train to RV or your own car, this will make a difference in how you do your packing. If you plan to road trip with your pet in the car, be sure to have a crate and seat restraints to prevent distracted driving.
When packing, don’t forget to think about how you’ll care for your pet. Bowls, leashes, and your pet’s favorite foods, or even medications, are must-bring items. You don’t want to assume that you’ll be able to find the usual items in destinations you’re not familiar with, so it’s worth it to be sure you pack everything from your pet’s favorite toy to treats you normally spoil him or her with.
Regardless of how you travel, if staying in a hotel or other public space, think about your pet’s behavior. You know your pet best. If barking or aggressiveness are problems, consider non-harmful barking collars or muzzles. For hotels, your best bet is to bring a crate your pet is used to sleeping in. You don’t want a bill for carpet cleaning or worse because your dog chewed up the room’s trim.
What about staying at home?
If your pet is more of a homebody, you can still create an at-home escape that will make you and your pet feel like you got a break. Backyards are a great way to vacation without leaving home. Consider picking up a tent and camping supplies. A hammock, fire pit, and the right lighting could go a long way for making both you and your pet feel like you got away without the added expense.
If you or your pet aren’t the rugged, nature types, you could create your own oasis in a spare room or unused space. Sometimes, just by changing the environment in little ways, we can feel like we were able to get away. If you decide a stay-cation is best for you and your fur baby, spoil yourselves with shared activities. Think about toys, games, and ways to stimulate your four-legged friend. Frisbees, balls, and catnip can go a long way toward setting the mood for play and keep tails wagging.
There are really no wrong answers in how you choose to spend vacation time with your pet. For options, consider calling a travel agent who works for you. They’ll have access to lists of pet-friendly destinations and may be able to point you in the direction of coupons or affordable packages. Happy travels to you and your pet!