How to Give a Gift That Really Counts
Gift-giving, no matter what the occasion, isn’t always as easy as it sounds. Especially after an unconventional year and during a global pandemic, many people are wondering how to make gifts count. If you’re looking for new ideas on how to show your loved ones you care with some unique gift ideas, read on.
Companionship and Connection
In a time where social isolation, social distancing, and a lot of time at home is the new norm, it’s easy to be lost when it comes to gift-giving. The reality is that gift-giving doesn’t have to be hard during a global pandemic. Instead, if you think about ways to make the current world situation work to your advantage, it might even be easier. This year, gifts that mean connection, like time together with family members working on jigsaw puzzles, board games, crafts, and more will be easy ways to make your recipient smile.
You can make gift giving easier on yourself by thinking about ways you can connect with your loved ones at home instead of worrying so much about what’s going on in the world. Buying gifts online that will mean time together could be a great way to give a gift that really counts. More than ever, most of us are realizing that it’s people, not things, that count. Your time and love is the best gift of all. Think of gifts that will promote connection and shared laughs with the people you love.
During these uncertain times, many people are turning to God or a higher power for hope. If you have someone spiritual in your life, then something like gift bible covers could be a wonderful way to support their spirituality. With more time than ever for reading at home, your loved one might appreciate a gift that encourages even more hope.
Other gifts that might encourage faith could be subscription boxes in whatever religion your recipient practices, books on spirituality, tokens, and symbols from their preferred religion, and more.
Handmade Gifts
In the same way, giving the gift of your time to someone could be treasured much longer than any product or item, a gift you make yourself will count. If you’re wondering how to spend more time at home, think about things you could make for that special person on your gift-giving list. Maybe you’re great at knitting. A handmade sweater in your loved one’s favorite color might be appreciated. If you’re great with paint and a canvas, an original piece of art is something they could treasure forever.
If you’re not sure what to make, check out popular crafting blogs and vlogs on YouTube, Pinterest, and more for ideas. Whatever you decide to make, be sure to sign or stitch your initials into your handmade gift, so they’ll always know it was from you.
Educational Gifts
Many people are using extra time during the pandemic to further their educations. Whether it’s online classes for things they’ve always wanted to try or learn, like picking up a second language or baking, or something more intense like a graduate degree program, think about educational ideas for the person on your list. Consider gifts like online cooking classes, Master Classes, or a month’s payment on the tuition bill. Your recipient will not only thank you for it but grow from it, too.
In the end, the best gifts are personal ones. While standard gifts are classic for a reason, if you really hope to make a gift count, consider gifts of your time, love, companionship, and more as well. Gifts that provide means for connection and intimacy or spirituality could be appreciated right now more than ever before.